Compare glacier water with spring water
What you can benefit from ICEVI
ICEVI completely restores the fluid balance in your body’s cells.
Even slight dehydration (a loss of 2% of your body mass) can significantly reduce your strength. Running or training becomes more difficult. Water helps transport oxygen in the body’s cells, therefore regular consumption of ICEVI helps you when exercising.
Water circulating in the blood and lymphatic streams carries nutrients to the cells, oxygen, hormones, antibodies and minerals. ICEVI makes the process considerably more effective as its acidity matches the pH of your body and its crystallized structure helps water molecules pass through the cell membranes.
Drink ICEVI in the right way and it can speed up your metabolism and help burn fat. Water reduces hunger, and research has shown that adults who drink water before every meal on average lose two kilograms in two months.
The human brain takes up only 2% of the body’s weight. However, it takes 5% of the blood circulation. Consuming 8-10 glasses of ICEVI a day increases the availability of oxygen to the brain, stimulates mental activity and improves cognitive function by 30%.
A large intake of water helps the liver and kidneys clean toxins from the body. Don’t be concerned about overworking the kidneys. They can cope with up to 20 litres of water day. Too much for even the biggest fan of ICEVI to drink.
Glacial water has a high moisturizing effect. Using glacial water women notice a positive impact at skin condition: it becomes more elastic, radiant and looks younger.
There are just some of the positive impacts of glacier water – restoration of water-salt body balance, increasing physical activity and life expectancy.
Water acts as a lubricant in joints – ICEVI makes them more mobile and reduces rheumatoid sensations.
How to get the most from ICEVI
The idea that drinking water before a meal is bad is a myth. In fact, ICEVI reduces overeating, improves digestion and the absorption of nutrients. Be careful not to drink cold water – it has the opposite effect on the body.
When you have a hot bath or go to the sauna – you sweat. A glass of ICEVI beforehand “washes away” the toxins that have built up in your body over the day.
Drink a glass of ICEVI before you go to bed. It will speed up your metabolism and help you be on form the next morning.
Light mineral water drunk after physical exercise replenishes anion and cation salts lost when sweating. This helps relieve fatigue and reduce the formation of lactic acid in the muscles.
A glass of water drunk first thing in the morning improves your digestive system. To be gentle on your stomach, drink ICEVI at room temperature.
The recommended daily intake of water is 30-40ml for every kg of your body weight.
Changes to the body’s cells do not take place instantly. You will see the first visible results of drinking ICEVI after drinking it regularly over a period of three months.